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Interested in Astronomy? This 2021 5oz Solar System Silver Coin Is A Must Have!

Coins can be a lot more than just currency. Throughout history, they have been used to celebrate important events, people and culture. In 2021, the Royal Canadian Mint released a $50 coin to showcase one of its biggest subjects yet: our solar system. This coin is a must-have item for any astronomy lover. It is also a great example of the beautiful artwork that is made possible by modern minting methods. 5 Things To Know About Our Solar System For much of human history, we considered the Earth to be the center of everything. However, as astronomy and space travel...

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Jewellery Styles From The 50s

Estate jewellery collectors have branched out from Victorian and Art Deco pieces to items from more recent decades. 1950s jewellery is getting some serious attention from auction houses and discerning buyers. While the 50s saw a rise in costume jewellery thanks to brands like Coro and Trifari, fine jewellery also took off in popularity. How do you know the estate jewellery you find is the real deal from the 1950s? These features can point you in the right direction for classic examples and help you decide if your discovery would make an excellent addition to your collection. The Fashion Influence...

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Royal Canadian Mint Releases The 2021 Black & Gold Wolf Silver Coin

Canada is home to a number of remarkable creatures. One of these is the grey wolf, the largest member of the canine family in the world and the forebears of all domesticated dogs. The grey wolf is an apex predator with an important ecological role to play. Unfortunately, its unearned reputation as a vicious killer prone to attack humans has decreased its numbers to dangerous levels. Once ranging over most of North America, the grey wolf's habitat is largely limited to Canada and a few areas of the United States, particularly Alaska. Because of its dwindling numbers, the grey wolf...

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Sudbury Is Home To The Worlds Largest Nickel

Every coin tells a story and part of the fun of collecting coins is learning about the history of each and the significant landmarks associated with them. While the five-cent piece is the smallest denomination of Canada decimal coins currently in circulation, the largest coin in the world is a Canadian nickel, currently on display at the Dynamic Earth Science Museum in Sudbury, Ontario. This numismatic curiosity is commonly referred to as the "Big Nickel" and is one of the best-known tourist attractions in Canada. How Big Is the Big Nickel? The Big Nickel is approximately 64 million times larger...

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The History Of The Two Dollar Canadian Bill

Canada discontinued its two-dollar bill 25 years ago and replaced it with the toonie coin. The government then pulled tender status from this and several other banknotes in 2021. Now, this piece of Canadian paper money can be worth up to tens of thousands of dollars for a rare and perfect note. Two-Dollar Creation The two-dollar bill came into circulation in the 1800s, before the Confederation of Canada. In 1886, the Province of Canada began printing its own Canadian paper money, which included the two-dollar denomination. Starting in 1901, the Dominion of Newfoundland also printed notes that included a two-dollar...

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