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2021 Best Wishes On Your Wedding Day $20 Silver Coin

Traditionally, a wedding has been an occasion to gather family and friends to celebrate the commitment two people make to share their lives together. Unfortunately, such a celebration has been challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic because large gatherings in close spaces are exactly the environment in which the disease can travel best. Therefore, couples in Canada have had to postpone or scale down wedding plans to protect themselves and vulnerable family members. Nevertheless, according to a popular hashtag, love is not cancelled. Over the past year, couples have found creative ways to celebrate their weddings amongst the people they love...

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Check out this 2021 Classic Mountie Hat Gold Plated Coin

There are few Canadian icons more instantly identifiable than the uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. People around the world immediately recognize the red serge uniform and wide-brimmed, Montana peak hat of the Mounties. Every year, Royal Canadian Mint coins are designed and produced to commemorate significant people and events in Canadian history. The year 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the merger between the Dominion Police and the Royal North-West Mounted Police. The new organization was named the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and it has served as Canada's national police service ever since. To celebrate the 100th anniversary,...

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Differences Between Private & Government Mints

When purchasing precious metals, it is important to determine whether they came from a government mint or a private mint. If you are an investor, knowing where your purchase comes from helps build confidence in the brand and its purity, even though the value of the products that each produces is probably going to be similar. If you are a collector, your purchase’s provenance might be meaningful to you. In either case, it is always a good idea to understand what you are buying beforehand. Private Mints Private mints are owned by individuals or companies, not backed up by any...

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Part 2 : Taking a Look at Some Major Bullion Brands

When investors or collectors want to buy quality gold and silver bullion, they often turn to the Royal Canadian Mint. But coin dealers and collectors can also acquire coins and bullion from other solid sources. Here are three other companies that also specialize in bullion - Sunshine Mint, SilverTowne and Johnson Matthey. When the team at Colonial Acres sees bullion from these brands, they trust its quality. Here is some more information about these dependable major bullion brands.     Sunshine Mint                                       ...

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Is Canadian Paper Money Making a Comeback?

When the COVID-19 outbreak forced more people to stay at home and turn to online sources for most purchases, many experts predicted that the pandemic would just accelerate the world’s march toward the death of cash. Surprisingly, however, Canada has seen a significant post-pandemic increase in the amount of paper money in circulation. In this blog, we’ll look at how this cash comeback occurred and why the demand for Canadian paper money has increased. The Push for Paperless For decades, people in Canada and much of the rest of the world have been moving away from using paper money as...

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