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Is it Worth Collecting and Saving Canadian Tire Money?

Over the years when you made purchases at a local Canadian Tire store, you would receive coupons in the form of Canadian Tire money redeemable for in-store purchases. Canadian Tire money is recognizable by its bright colours and the popular images of Sandy McTire, the tam-wearing Scotsman. Though the denominations are smaller, it closely resembles Canadian paper money in many respects. At one point, Canadian Tire money was even printed on similar stock. As a Canadian institution since 1958, it is sometimes viewed as the country’s unofficial second currency. At Canadian Tire stores, the coupons are worth their face value....

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Part 1 : Taking a Look at Some Major Bullion Brands

When buying bullion, many people default to the Royal Canadian Mint or other national mints. However, there are many other brands that offer excellent bullion products, despite being less well known. Colonial Acres Coins carries a wide variety of bullion rounds, bars, coins and more. Our catalogue is the perfect place to find the right bullion for your collection. Why Buy Bullion? For centuries, bullion was the standard for transferring wealth. All coins had a set precious metal content that gave them an intrinsic value beyond being currency. Today, that is no longer the case and nearly all world currencies...

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Varieties of Minting Errors

Generally speaking, Royal Canadian Mint coins are intended to be uniform in size, shape, and appearance. In most cases, that is the end result of the minting process. However, occasionally something goes wrong during the production of coins. Sometimes one shows up that is different from the rest. In some cases, these error coins are not discovered right away and enter circulation with the rest of their mintage. You might think that these coins would be worthless, but in fact, the opposite is true. Because error coins are unique, they are more collectable. Minting errors therefore actually increase a coin's...

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What is Modernist Jewellery

Some jewellery-making traditions are timeless, likely to continue forever. For example, gold and silver jewellery will probably always be popular, not only because of the value of the materials but for their attractive sparkle. Nevertheless, jewellery goes through fashion trends along with clothing. Because the prevailing ideas and philosophies of the day tend to influence artists, these are often reflected in jewellery trends. As a result, a critical examination of jewellery from a particular era may reveal something about the historical period in which it was created. Modernism occurred roughly during the 1930s through 1970s. Jewellery pieces from this era...

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Newly Discovered Tyrannosaur Immortalized on Collectible Coin

It had been over 50 years since a new species of Tyrannosaur had been discovered in Canada, but in 2020, the Thanatotheristes degrootorum was formally unveiled. The discovery has already provided researchers with new insights into the evolution of the Tyrannosaur family. This year, the Royal Canadian Mint celebrates the new find with a commemorative coin featuring the "Reaper of Death," which is the translation of the scientific name given to the prehistoric predator. Colonial Acres is excited to share this coin with collectors. How Was the New Dinosaur Discovered? The remains of the new tyrannosaur species were first discovered...

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