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Commemorative Canadian Silver Coin Features Robert Bateman Snowy Owl Design

Robert Bateman is a renowned Canadian artist who hopes to help people reconnect with nature through his paintings. The Royal Canadian Mint releases commemorative coins every year that celebrate people, places, plants, and animals that are significant to Canadian culture. By featuring the work of Bateman on the back of a 2022 $30 silver coin, it celebrates both Bateman himself and the natural world that inspires him. Who Is Robert Bateman? Born in 1930, Robert Bateman is an internationally renowned Canadian artist. He has exhibited his work in venues around the world. His paintings, typically done in acrylic, have been...

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Collage Showing the Amazing Colours of Canada on this $50 Silver Coin

Amazing Colours of Canada Featured on a Single Silver Coin Canada is a vast country filled with diverse landscapes and a wide array of wildlife. With help from a Montreal-based tattoo artist, the Royal Canadian Mint has released a new commemorative Canadian coin silver that seeks to show harmony in diversity through a collage that makes use of colour-over-engraving to showcase the many regions and landmarks of Canada at their most vibrant. The Design Behind the $50 Canadian Collage Silver Coin In the background of the coin's reverse image are a number of engraved maple leaves swirling around as if...

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Moments To Hold Coin Set Commemorates Remembrance Day in Canada

Canadians observe Remembrance Day every year on November 11th, the anniversary of the end of World War I. The observance is intended to honour all veterans who fought for Canada, sacrificing for the sake of others. The Royal Canadian Mint recognizes the importance of Remembrance Day by issuing special Canadian coins every year. This year, it has also included a Remembrance Day coin set in its Moments To Hold series. The Importance of Remembrance Day Nov. 11, 1919, was the first anniversary of the end of World War I. On that date, Canadians observed Armistice Day, referring to the agreement...

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Cedar Waxwing Featured on the New $20 Colourful Bird Coin

No matter where you travel in Canada, you are likely to see at least one cedar waxwing bird. Because the cedar waxwing likes to feed in flocks, you are likely to see more than one, perhaps in your own backyard. It is featured on the newest Canadian coins for sale in the Colourful Bird series, which is good news for those who like coin collecting and birdwatching alike. Where Does the Cedar Waxwing Bird Get Its Name? Cedar waxwings primarily feed on insects and berries. In the winter, food becomes scarce, but cedar berries are still available. These become the...

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The Significance of the Bouquet Sous Design Tokens

Lower Canada tokens were used as currency for a relatively short time, less than 10 years altogether. Nevertheless, they had a significant role to play in Canadian history. The Bouquet Sou was a denomination of tokens that was worth approximately a half-cent. Its design went through several alterations in response to changes in politics and society. Bouquet Sous are readily available today, yet can be worth a lot more than they were in the 1830s when they were in circulation. History of the Bouquet Sou Commerce in 19th-century Lower Canada was difficult to carry out because of a lack of...

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